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Fundamentals Workshop: Muscle Testing & Pendulum Programming

Landscape image featuring abstract purple tones, a pendulum symbol & energy waves.


This self-paced, Foundation Workshop introduces you to the fundamentals of energy work. You’ll learn basic muscle testing techniques, empowering you to communicate with your body’s innate wisdom. Additionally, step-by-step guidance on programming your pendulum will enhance your skills and confidence. By the end, you’ll have the fundamentals needed to explore energy work further and prepare for more advanced practices.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





Metaphysical Coding with


Ready to experience healing guided by your Higher Self? Connect with me to explore personalised healing frequency codes, energetic tattoos and more.

Get in Touch

Image of Cherie, creator of Metaphysical Coding.

Address                                               PO Box 425

Australind, Bunbury WA 6233


20 Teddington Rd, Burswood WA 6100

Opening Hours

Monday To Thursday  10:00 - 17:00

Saturday  10:00 - 14:00

Facebook icon with white 'f' on a dark blue circle background
Logo of Infinity Healer group, a group of energy healers supporting each other and learning together.
Logo and tagline for Metaphysical Coding.
Spiritual Specialty- Global Energy Method badge
Core Certification badge for the Global Energy Method.
Psychological Specialist badge for the Global Energy Method.

Disclaimer: Energy work completed by Cherie Jackson, Metaphysical Coding with Cherie, and this website is not a substitute for medical care or consultation. The information contained in these materials is intended for personal educational purposes and for energetic balancing only. No representation contained in these materials is intended as medical or mental health advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical treatment. Individual results may vary, and there are no expressed or implied guarantees of results. If you are experiencing a medical condition or have questions regarding a medical symptom and/or treatment, please seek your licensed healthcare professional, mental health professional or doctor for all advice and treatment.

Copyright © 2020 Metaphysical Coding - All Rights Reserved.

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