Healing is not always about investigating and releasing energetic blockages, balancing your chakras and clearing your energy field, etc.
Sometimes it is purely about providing a safe space in which one can share and talk about their emotional upheaval to someone who is willing to listen without judgement and maybe not need to give advice but just be present.
I came across this only last week, a beautiful supporter of mine rang and desperately wanted an appointment that day & I obliged.
Normally she is calm and in control but at the commencement of this session I knew she was out of sorts, stressed and upset. She even stated she didn’t think she would be leaving without still being upset.
Only a little bit of my usual investigative work and applied ‘magic’ of my frequencies was required.
The rest was purely about being present, allowing her to share & unload the emotional stress within a safe and comfortable environment.
I am happy to report this lovely lady did leave feeling calm, relaxed, in a much better state of mind and ready to cope with the challenge ahead.
"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen. " Ernest Hemingway